EF Security Checklist

Step by step guide to personal digital security and privacy.


You'll see your progress here once you start your journey through the checklists.

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Your Progress

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Progress data is stored locally in your browser, and is not shared with anyone. Have questions or need help? Reach out to us using the  email group  with any concerns or feedback.

20 Items


Securing your online account login credentials

Not yet started

20 Items

Web Browsing

Avoiding tracking, censorship, and data collection online

Not yet started

12 Items


Protecting the gateway to your online accounts

Not yet started

9 Items


Keeping your communications private and secure

Not yet started

12 Items

Social Media

Minimizing the risks associated with using online communities

Not yet started

18 Items


Safeguarding your network traffic

Not yet started

18 Items

Mobile Devices

Reduce invasive tracking for cells, smartphones and tablets

Not yet started

17 Items

Personal Computers

Securing your PC's operating system, data & activity

Not yet started

9 Items

Smart Home

Using IoT devices without compromising your privacy

Not yet started

12 Items

Personal Finance

Protecting your funds, financial accounts and transactions

Not yet started

10 Items

Human Aspect

Learning about social engineering risks

Not yet started

13 Items

Physical Security

Taking measures to prevent IRL security incidents

Not yet started